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De'Lonn Brown
for State House District 61

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Meet De'Lonn Brown
I’m De’Lonn Brown an Atlanta native and a candidate for State House District 61. I’ve lived in and served the Sandtown community for more than 40 years. When I served as the director of the afterschool program and camp at Sandtown Park, I co-founded the nonprofit organization Kids With Strong Opinions. As advocates for children, our organization recently paired concerned students with their state representative (Roger Bruce) to create HB238; which would fund an additional adult to ride on school buses in order to support the driver. It’s this kind of common-sense legislation that I would continue to sponsor and support as a representative in the State House. Like my work with those students, my work in the League of Women Voters is another experience that inspired me to run as an advocate for women’s health issues.  Additionally, protecting voters’ rights is of the utmost importance to our communities, our state and our nation. Lastly with a decline in students applying to colleges, we need to create, expand and support programs and initiatives that address workforce development for our students specifically; but also for all of citizens in Georgia’s growing economy. I am De’Lonn Brown and I am committed to service and solutions.
School Bus Safety Bill


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